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Mark Zuckerberg Calls Off Elon Musk Cage Match

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According to CNBC, Mark Zuckerberg has cancelled the highly-anticipated cage match with Elon Musk. Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook, accused Musk of not being serious about the challenge and stated that "it's time to move on". This development occurs following weeks of speculation and negotiations involving the two technology billionaires and their advisers. While certain friends and advisers of Zuckerberg supported the fight, others opined it to be a distraction and not the most productive use of his time.

In June, the idea of a cage fight between Musk and Zuckerberg was initially proposed when Musk tweeted that he would be "up for a cage fight" with Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg's response was to post a screenshot of Musk's tweet, captioned with the phrase, "send me location." In the past few months, the two CEOs have been secretly negotiating with the help of their advisers, getting closer to a physical confrontation.

This possible match has generated a lot of attention from the media and has caused a lot of excitement, with some referring to it as the ultimate tech CEO showdown. However, it seems that the fight won't happen finally. It is not clear why Zuckerberg decided to call off the match, but it is clear that the two tech giants will not be fighting in a cage soon.