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Powerful Explosion in Dominican Republic Leaves Death Toll at 11 and 10 Still Missing

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A powerful explosion near the Dominican Republic's capital, Santo Domingo, has caused a rising death toll and several casualties in the San Cristobal area. The incident, which took place on [date], has claimed the lives of at least 11 people, while ten others are still missing. The explosion happened in San Cristobal, a lively commercial zone that has resulted in substantial destruction and many injuries.

Authorities have confirmed that at least three people died immediately following the explosion, and the death toll has since increased to 11. Moreover, ten people are still missing, amplifying fears for their safety. The blast has also caused numerous injuries, with over 50 people reported to be harmed.

The explosion's exact cause is still being investigated, but initial reports suggest that it potentially originated from a plastic factory. The explosion caused extensive damage to the surrounding area, including a shopping center and a busy market.

Emergency response teams and local authorities are tirelessly working to locate missing individuals and provide medical assistance to the injured. The President's office confirmed the tragic incident and expressed condolences to the victims and their families.

As investigations continue, authorities are focusing on determining the explosion's cause and ensuring the affected area's safety. Updates on the situation will be provided as additional information becomes available.