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SC refuses to revive Alabama's GOP-drawn congressional map

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The US Supreme Court has permitted the modification of Alabama's congressional district map to enhance the representation of Black voters. The verdict results from a June judgement by the high court which affirmed that the state's congressional map, based on the 2020 census, undermined the voting influence of Black residents. In the 2022 midterm elections, the map was utilized, where only one of seven seats was a majority Black district, even though the Black population constitutes more than 25% of the state.

The redistricting will enhance black voters' representation, leading to fairer outcomes. Evan Milligan, the lead plaintiff in the case, dubbed the verdict a "triumph for all Alabamians," and claimed it brings us a step closer to a map that ensures impartiality. The Office of the Attorney General, Steve Marshall, refrained from expressing its views immediately after the decision was announced.

The Supreme Court's decision rejects the plea of the State to retain the Republican-drawn lines that were invalidated by a lower court, thereby permitting the court-appointed special master's work to proceed. The justices did not provide any comments on the decision.

However, this ruling is a favorable development towards promoting equitable representation for Black voters in Alabama and potentially influential for other states facing comparable issues.